
News From Iceland...

Some years after the end of our project, some news sent from the Icelandic partner report that our Intelectual Outputs are being used for developement of courses with participants from all over the country and that the materials are also provided to new employes of this organization!   

Project Results Publication

You can find all the material developed within this project visiting the Material section  of this website.

Last Transnational Project Meeting - February 2019

The last VAPETVIP Transnational Project Meeting was held during 2 days - February 26th and 27th, in Valladolid, Spain. It was time to register major conclusions and finish the project. After this meeting, all Intelectual Outputs will be soon published online.

Dissemination Event: "Dinner in the Dark" - September 2018

On 11th September 2018, VAPETVIP was presented in a very special way to a group of non-specialists in the area of visual impairement: through a "Dinner in the Dark" and a "Press Conference in the Dark".  The "Dinner in the Dark" allows an entirely original experience that puts sighted persons for a few hours under the same conditions of absolute impossibility of seeing what happens in the surrounding reality, which characterizes the daily life of the blind. Events of singular intensity and wisely studied for exalting senses: a convivial moment completely to the dark, exploring a new experience of communication and relationship. The "Dinner in the Dark" is exploited in a specific área totally darkened and the objective of the appointments it is to help the guests to rediscover the value of the other four senses offering an unforgettable experience of the taste. It makes also possible to: Awaken the senses of taste, smell, touch and ...

National Dissemination Events - April to July 2018

Looking forward to reach and present VAPETVIP project to other organizations and professionals in Education and Training of Visually Impaired People, we promoted a series of “National Dissemination Events”, for which each project partner was responsible, according to the next Schedule:   Frankfurt, GERMANY -April 27th, 2018 Drianovo, BULGARIA - June 4-6th, 2018 Reykjavik, ICELAND - June 11th, 2018 Plovdiv,  BULGARIA  - June 12th, 2018 Lisbon, PORTUGAL - June 20th, 2018 Valladolid, SPAIN - June 25th, 2018 Angers, FRANCE - June 26th, 2018 Trieste, ITALY - June 26th, 2018

Training Event - March 2018

Following the scheduled activities for the VAPETVIP project, a Training Event was held in Plovdiv (Bulgaria), during the week from 12th to 16th of March, 2018.    The focus of this training event was:  To promote understanding about the differences between traditional and distance training;  To prepare the participants to mediate the learning process and give support online; Teach how to use the tools of a LMS platform in an efficient and effective way;   Present the developed materials and collect feedback; Provide participants with the opportunity to meet peers and establish a network of contacts that can be helpful in the future. This activity represented the project opportunity to prepare partners trainers to give future support to learning activities based on the contents being developed.

European Conference - September 28th

The European Conference where the VAPETVIP project was presented to professionals in the field of visual impairment was held in Düren - Germany, on September 28 th , 2017, during the same week as ENVITER - European Network for Vision ImpairmentTraining Education & Research - annual General Meeting. To an audience of about 40 professionals from 16 different European countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Portugal, Romania, Spain, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom – team leaders from each working group within the project presented the highlights of the products being developed and invited all the participants to an interactive discussion panel about opportunities and challenges in e-learning.      This was a great opportunity not only to present the future outcomes of our activities to professionals and other organizations outside the project but also to collect relevant inf...