Project nº 2016-1-PT01-KA202-022736
- “Virtual Academy for Professional in Education and Training of Visually Impaired People” Project
- Strategic partnership funded by European Community program Erasmus+, key action Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices;
- The main goal of this project was to contribute to the modernization of the education and training system used in organizations working in the field of visual impairment, directly focusing on their professional bodies and staff;
- Addressed a deficiency of available specific training in this area in many of the participating countries;
- Promoted the exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organizations involved in education, training and youth in common subjects, transversal to all types of interventions with blind and people with low vision.
- To widen the knowledge of professionals by using digital technologies in rehabilitation services, educational training programs and vocational education and training (VET) of blind and visually impaired people.
- To create a standard resource on the various rehabilitation services for people with vision impairment in Europe
- To propose a model of education, training and rehabilitation services for visually impaired people in all EU countries.
- Through the organization of every aspect implied in the development of two online training courses:
- “Coaching Orientation and Mobility”
- "Developing Visually Impaired People Soft Skills"
- Focusing on aspects from the use of the Learning Management System, curricula, content, certification, methods of administration and training support, etc – contributing for the creation of a Virtual Academy;
- Having a strong impact both in the short and in the long run: participants will be able to try this new learning tool, all of them being professionals working in rehabilitation and vocational training centres for Visual Impaired People. In the long run, since seven of the partners are members of ENVITER network where 27 service providers for the focus group from 17 countries of the EU are represented, the proposed project will enable organizations to maximize the impact of lifelong learning developments and the use of e-learning methods to provide for the need of special training for their staff.
- All results are to be shared through a project website and through EUNESIS (EUropean NEtworking for Sensory Impairment Solutions) Knowledge BaseBetter Training for professionals make possible better support of people with disabilities: children, adults or elderly people, in taking into account the specificities of the visual impairment and also the impact of the visual impairment on the person depending on his/her age.
From October 1st, 2016 to March 31th, 2019 (30 months)