National Dissemination Events - April to July 2018

Europe map with highlighted partners: Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and Iceland

Looking forward to reach and present VAPETVIP project to other organizations and professionals in Education and Training of Visually Impaired People, we promoted a series of “National Dissemination Events”, for which each project partner was responsible, according to the next Schedule: 
Frankfurt, GERMANY -April 27th, 2018
Drianovo, BULGARIA - June 4-6th, 2018
Reykjavik, ICELAND - June 11th, 2018
Plovdiv, BULGARIA - June 12th, 2018
Lisbon, PORTUGAL- June 20th, 2018
Valladolid, SPAIN- June 25th, 2018
Angers, FRANCE- June 26th, 2018
Trieste, ITALY - June 26th, 2018
